Turn Your eCommerce Store Into a Money-Making Machine

ECommerce paid media may not be familiar to you, but it's one of the best ways to increase your bottom line if you own an online store. By taking advantage of all advertising tools available for eCommerce stores, you can get more eyeballs and sales on your products.




Get Maximum ROI

Create a different shopping experience based on how users have interacted with your site in the past.

Keep Up With A Changing World

With new eCommerce businesses starting every single day, it becomes more and more challenging to maintain a competitive advantage. Work with us to stand out from the crowd.

Get a Competitive Advantage

From expert strategy to execution, it's easy to see your store's ROI grow every day.

Spend Your Ad Dollars More Efficiently

Don't waste money serving product ads to everyone searching for relevant keywords; only bid on the searches that have a propensity to convert to a sale.

Paid Search Services

These days, paid search encompasses much more than simply text ads, so our paid search services are also robust to keep you at the forefront of the trends.

Advantages of eCommerce PPC

Online eCommerce stores account for an estimated 12-24 million sites globally, yet shopping advertising is still a misunderstood and underutilized aspect of paid media.However, by leveraging advanced advertising features designed exclusively for eCommerce businesses, you can be more effective at converting users to your store. Jumpstart your store or scale it ten times faster when you work with an agency that understands how best to target your audience and leverage data insights and creative technology to drive quality shoppers directly into your shopping cart.

Why eCommerce is Different

In traditional search, users must rely on text ads or generic imagery to determine whether or not they want to click on your ad. With eCommerce ads, however, ads are linked directly to your product pages on your website and can dynamically show a specific product to a user at a given time.Therefore, a user will physically see a product when they are searching for or in the market for something similar, and if they click on it, they will be taken directly to the product page, where they can add it to their cart. This buying process eliminates many unnecessary user steps in a traditional paid search funnel.In addition, because shopping auctions have far fewer advertisers than traditional search, it is often more affordable to run shopping ads.

Advantages of Working With an Agency

If you're running your own eCommerce business, you likely have a lot on your plate: sourcing products, managing fulfillment, coordinating new launches and building strong product pages. Admittedly, there's a lot of ground to cover—and that's why many eCommerce businesses choose to work with an agency.Partnering with a PPC agency means that you'll have someone who can act as an extension of your team and handle day-to-day marketing activities like A/B testing, reporting, and optimizations, so you can focus on what matters most: creating a quality customer experience.

Google Shopping Ads

If you have an online store, you should certainly be taking advantage of Google Shopping ads. Shopping ads serve products directly in the search engine results page, so they are a great way to improve your click-through rates and conversions on product pages. In addition, shopping ads have many other benefits, including increased visibility and expanded customer reach.If you aren't using shopping ads yet, now is the time! But, even if you are already running them, there is likely room for improvement. That's why we suggest working with an agency that specializes in eCommerce PPC management.


For Your Ecommerce

Now that you see the value of paid search in your digital marketing strategy, you might be wondering what all goes into a successful campaign. Let us break it down for you.

Data-Driven Targeting

The first step in shopping is understanding exactly how your customers shop. You don't want to price your product too high or too low; you want to strike a balance between price and value.To do hit the sweet spot, you need historical data. The more information you have about your audience—whether it be their age, gender, location, or interests—the better chance you have of creating an effective campaign for your brand. By adding demographic and interest data about customers (and your potential audience), you can target relevant users with ads that speak directly to their wants and needs. This allows for greater relevancy, which leads to higher click-through rates and more sales!

Amazon Ads

Amazon ad campaigns are an excellent way for eCommerce businesses to get customers interested in products or services. The biggest reason Amazon ads work so well is that they're a great way for shoppers who already have something in mind—specifically, items they want—to find your product. When someone searches on Amazon, it's because they have intentions of buying right then, not just randomly browsing. But with Amazon becoming increasingly more saturated and competitive, it can be challenging to earn market share through paid ads. That's why it's best to work with an eCommerce PPC management agency that takes the guesswork out of the equation.

Product Page Guidance

Product pages are a critical part of any eCommerce website. They're also one of your most essential marketing tools. Strong product pages drive higher sales, improve conversion rates, and reduce shopping cart abandonment – all good things for your bottom line. In addition, shopping campaigns rely heavily on solid product pages to deliver relevant ad targeting and low costs. However, creating an effective product page isn't as easy as it seems – there are many moving parts involved in driving traffic to these pages, converting that traffic into buyers, and then getting repeat business from satisfied customers. As part of our eCommerce PPC management services, we are happy to advise on creating product pages that win.

Merchant Center Support

If you are new to Google Shopping Ads, we are happy to help you get set up with a Merchant Center account that we can integrate into your campaign.

Shopify Integration Setups

Whatever advertising channel we decide on, it's best to set up a dynamic product feed. We can help integrate each platform into your Shopify store to get an autonomous catalog that we can use for advertising.

Facebook and Instagram Catalog Ads

Facebook and Instagram are great advertising channels for online retailers looking to drive up their conversion rates. With shoppable product pages and catalogs on these platforms, you can directly drive traffic from your social media accounts into your eCommerce store. While there's a great deal of debate over which performs better—Facebook or Instagram—there's no denying that both of these networks convert at some of the highest rates in marketing today.Reach users when they are in an engaged state and actively consuming visual content. If you're looking for some new and novel ways to increase your conversion rates from free traffic, why not give Facebook and Instagram catalog sales a try? We know how to set up a Facebook catalog and run ads that let users shop directly on their social media platform or your store.

Cart Abandonment Retargeting

Each year, retailers lose approximately $18 billion due to cart abandonment (that's nearly 12% of all online sales). A quick and easy way to ensure your revenue doesn't fall victim to cart abandonment is through smart shopping campaigns that leverage retargeting ads. These campaigns' objective is simple: target people who added an item or two into their carts but did not complete their purchase before they left your website.From here, you can use a follow-up campaign triggered by specific products in abandoned carts to direct consumers back to those items on your product pages—as well as other related products and accessories. With dynamic product advertising, you can cater messaging specifically toward individuals who already showed interest in one or more products so they are more inclined to come back and complete their transactions.

Dynamic Product Ads

Dynamic product ads can be a massive boon for your eCommerce business. These ads dynamically show a given product to a specific user based on their likelihood to buy it. This feature is particularly helpful for companies with an extensive product catalog because you don't have to waste money serving all products to many different types of users. Instead, only show your product to users who have either viewed that product before on your site or have expressed interest in similar products on the web.Our eCommerce team at DriftLead can set up dynamic product ads for you for maximum campaign efficiency and ROI.

Schedule a Consultation for Your eCommerce Store

Still not sure what you need? Schedule a call with the DriftLead team to learn more about advertising capabilities for online stores and how we can help you grow your eCommerce business.

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