Stride Health approached us with hopes of driving new users to their platform. We were starting from scratch with no historical data to go based on.
233% higher
conversion rates
2032% increase in
new accounts
lower CPAs
Single Keyword Ad Groups
At DriftLead, we know that no two keywords are created equal. That's why we restructured this paid search account with single-keyword ad groups for maximum relevance and control.
Advanced Targeting with Dynamic Ads
We implemented dynamic search ads for more robust targeting. This allowed us to capitalize on a greater number of relevant searches more efficiently.
Conversion Rate Optimization
We optimized the landing pages to promote maximum conversions.
Steven Patrizi
Chief Marketing Officer
The Backstory
Stride is a tech startup that connects independent contractors and businesses with affordable insurance plans. Stride offers an online marketplace and a mobile application that connect users with the best coverage options. The company has also been recognized by world-class publications such as CNBC and Wired magazine. After first coming to us, we were able to use the first month to collect data and and improve from there. By effectively structuring their paid search account, expanding their targeting, and continually A/B testing their ad creative, we were able to drive 20x more user sign-ups at a much lower cost.Other Study Cases
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